Gaming has become a part of our life nowadays but no one would have given a thought on some of the interesting facts like the
benefits by the games that we play every day. There are various studies by the leading researchers all around the world which have shown results proving various benefits of playing mobile games. Gaming is one of the causes of a better performance but difficult to prove because people who choose to play mobile games are already people who have good intellectual abilities.
In the experiments the main finding was that those who play the
mobile games improve on measures of basic perceptual thinking abilities in comparison to the group of people who don’t. Let’s have a look at few of the impressive benefits from playing games.
1) Playing Games can act as a therapeutic for children with long lasting illness
a. Scientist has examined the effects of playing regular games on kids who are diagnosed with illness like depression, autism, etc.
b. Kids who played certain games designed especially for
educational purposes have given signs of improvement in resilience, empowerment, and a mental better spirit.
2) Enhancements in basic visuals of eyes
a. Amblyopia a disorder which can be seen in early childhood because of which one eye becomes nonfunctional and after various experiments it was proved that the gaming condition showed a great improvement to almost being normal or near to normal condition.
b. Many of the gaming condition developed a 20/20 vision and visual attention stereoscopic vision and were restored back to normal.
3) Helps in reducing stress and depression
a. The people who were suffering from various mental health problems such as stress and depression were able to reduce their level of aggression by playing games and showed a notable improvement.
b. The games allow them to avoid reaching a particular level of stressful awakening when they try to relax.
4) Gaming as a form of physiotherapy.
a. The form of concentration and attention people give towards playing a game helps them to recover from physical injuries into achieving back their motor skills and coordination too.
5) Some other useful contribution due to gaming
a. The gaming encourages better decision making skills and helps tech players to think on their feet.
b. It helps in improving the social skills
c. Playing games have been known to develop the sense of creativity and inculcate a taste a better taste for graphics, design and technology.
d. Improves in the language and math skills as the players have to move at a great pace with the characters of the game.
From this we know the important and unknown role and benefits of playing games in our life. Though we play games just for fun it also helps us improve in many of our physical and mental activities. And choosing the right game for those is also a very important task.
You can always start playing the best games from category that ranges from educational to fun games from
Gameiva a huge platform for effective games for kids.